Науковий вісник НЛТУ України (Sep 2018)

The influence of mixing solid particles on the kinetic of benzoic acid dissociation during the pneumatic mixing of solution

  • O. M. Danyliuk,
  • V. M. Atamaniuk,
  • Z. Ya. Hnativ

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 28, no. 7
pp. 92 – 96


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The current research characterizes the regularities of the process of polydisperse mixture of benzoic acid dissociation during the pneumatic mixing of solution. The advantages of using compressed air for dissolution are presented. The authors also describe the method of conducting experimental investigations. The research is focused on the using of solid and chemically inert mixing additives, which supply into the process at the beginning. The authors have estimated the influence of these solid particles of different forms, which were produced by chemically inert to benzoic acid materials (glass, plastic, rubber, polyacetal), and in the process pneumatic mixing, and, correspondingly, on the kinetic of benzoic acid dissolution in water. We have also discovered that optimal for mixing of benzoic acid solution particles have spherical shape, which are made of plastic, and have diameter 7 mm and specific density 1280 kg/m3. Experimental investigations enabled the determination of the fact that introduction of mixing additives in the quantity of 2 % from the volume of solution is critical and sufficient for avoiding of passing out of the solid phase in the foam layer and reduce the dissolution time to the necessary concentration. We have also investigated the influence of mixing additives on the dissolution duration and energy expenses. The maximum permissible compressed air flow rate for prevention of solution transition into foam state was determined. Furthermore, the impact of compressed air flow rate variation on the kinetic of dissolution process was investigated. The analysis of graphic dependency reveals that adding of mixing additives and increasing of compressed air consumption reduces the average duration of dissolution process. From the other side, such consumption of compressed air is critical in conditions of current research, as its further increasing over 5.6 m3/hour leads to transformation of 80 % of solution into foam. Finally the kinetic of benzoic acid dissolution to the concentration 1.2 kg/m3 with using of mixing additives in the conditions of incomplete solution saturation was experimentally determined and analysed.
