Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Sep 2017)
Телеки М. Грамматические средства выражения морфологических и словообразовательных категорий латинского прилагательного. В статье использован категорийный подход к изучению латинского имени прилагательного, опирающегося на определении прилагательного как части речи, имеющего отношение к грамматическим категориям. Проанализированы морфологические и словообразовательные категории прилагательного. Раскрыты смысловые и формальные различия между ними, обнаружено расхождение в их количественном измерении. Освещены грамматические средства их выражения. Охарактеризованы суффиксы и префиксы, выделяющие соответствующие словообразовательные категории прилагательного. Ключевые слова: имя прилагательное, морфологические категории прилагательного, словообразовательные категории прилагательного, грамматические средства выражения, флексия, суффикс, префикс. Teleky M. Grammatical means of morphological and word building categories of the Latin adjective. The categorical approach to the study of the Latin adjective based on the definition of the adjective as a part of language relating to the grammatical categories has been used in the article. Morphological analysis and word building categories of the Latin adjective have been analyzed. Formal and meaning differences of the Latin adjective have been disclosed as well as the dissimilarity in their quantitative measurement has been detected. Means of expressing grammatical categories of an adjective have been highlighted. Suffixes and prefixes that distinguish appropriate adjective word building categories have been determined. The aim of the article is to highlight grammatical means of expressing of morphological and structural word categories in the Latin adjective that function in clinical terminology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and neurology. The adjective as morphological unit is distinguished by semantic, morphological, syntactic, and derivative adjectives are distinguished by word building criteria. Morphological categories of gender, number and case of an adjective serve as a means of expressing of syntactic subjection of an adjective to a noun. Forms of gender, number and case are always determined by the grammatical forms of the noun. Suffixes and prefixes are the representatives of structural word categories. Adjective word building processes are aimed at creating names signs, properties, and qualities. Their variety allow distinguishing the category of insufficient degree in identification of the signs of excessive intensity of signs, possessive category and the locative attributive category among the very many categories of structural word - building categories of an adjective that operate in medical clinical terminology. Adjectives in clinical medical terminology are one of the most used parts of Latin, transmitting static (non-procedural) sign of a subject has inflexional morphological category of gender, number and case caused by signified noun. Word building categories of adjective combining different types of word formation, are wider in comparison with the morphological categorical values. The difference between them is in means of expressing grammatical meanings: morphological categories are related to inflection, word building categories are related to suffixes and prefixes. Key words: adjective, morphological category of an adjective, word building categories of adjective, grammatical means of expressing, inflection, suffix, prefix.