Defence Science Review (Oct 2021)
The Influence of Cyberwars on Socioeconomic Activity of Residents of Central and Eastern Europe
Objectives: The purpose of this article is to investigate and present the issue of cyberwar and its impact on the socio-economic activity of inhabitants of Central and Eastern Europe. Methods: The main method used in this study is a systematic review of international and Polish political literature in the fields of cybersecurity, sociology, military, international relations and international politics. Results: The analysis enabled identifying the importance of the cyberspace driven by the technological development. Article discusses key terms, the concept of cyberwar, categorization of cyberattacks and their influence on the socio-economic activity of the inhabitants of Central and Eastern Europe. The last part examines examples of cyberattacks in Kosovo, Estonia, Georgia, Bulgaria and Ukraine. Conclusions: The technological progress impacts the emergence of cyberthreats such as cybercrime, cyberterrorism or cyberwars carried out through the newest technology. These actions are affecting both state institutions and citizens. The examples prove that cyberwar is already being used to damage the big-scale national projects. A cyberattack often targets a politically inconvenient opponent, not to physically eliminate them but to cause chaos and a breach of trust among their adherents. Some countries use cyberattacks to influence the internal affairs of another country. Even if thoroughly planned and carried out, an attack can still change or strengthen the current government. Neglecting the threat of cyberattacks may affect the citizens gravely. It may increase the awareness of the danger or give an institution greater control over personal freedom of citizens. Cybersecurity is best achieved through education and raising awareness.