Cumhuriyet Dental Journal (Mar 2017)

Laser Biostimulation of Free Gingival Grafts Around Dental Implants

  • Hatice Balcı Yüce

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 3
pp. 181 – 188


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Objective: Long-term edentulousness causes big alterations in mandible such as keratinized tissue is reduced or lost and vestibular sulcus becomes too shallow. As a consequence, free gingival autograft is usually mandatory. The aim of this case report was to evaluate the effect of diode laser bio-stimulation on FGG procedure around dental implants in edentulous patients.Material and Methods: Three edentulous female patients (59 and 64 and 79 years old) were referred to our department in different time periods. All patients had serious alveolar bone loss because of prolonged edentulism. In clinical and radiographical examinations, it is observed that patients had lack of keratinized tissue around 6 dental implants placed in mandibular canine positions. The healing caps had been placed and there were severe soft tissue problems and disorientations and also ulcerations around healing caps. Patients were really uncomfortable and in pain because of ulcerated mucosa. Conventional vestibuloplasty and gingivectomy procedures were performed in one patient. The problem continued, lips covered healing caps again and patient was suffering from the pain again. After then in order to reduce the pain and stimulate soft tissue healing, diode laser bio-stimulation were performed in all three patients along with the FGG procedure. Totally six FGG procedures were performed in three patients. Results: Mild pain was observed in donor site and other than that there was no pain or discomfort in all patients. After 30 days, the keratinized tissues around dental implants were increased and the discomfort and pain were gone. Healing caps were placed again and the patients were treated successfully. Conclusion: Diode laser bio-stimulation reduced the post-surgical pain and discomfort caused by FGG procedure around dental implants in elderly patients.
