Majalah Kedokteran Bandung (Jun 2009)
Hubungan Faktor Penggerakan Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk Demam Berdarah Dengue Dengan Angka Bebas Jentik Di Kecamatan Sumberjaya Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat
Dengue hemorraghic fever has created quite a problem since 1968 in Indonesia. This disease is also vulnerable for community residing in Subdistrict Sumberjaya, Majalengka District, West Java. In the last five years there were 68 cases with 6 fatal cases. This cross sectional research in Sumberjaya aimed at exploring factors of community participation in vector control associated with larval index. The samples of larval index examination were selected from household neighborhoods (RT) in 8 villages conducted vector control in Sumberjaya. Respondents of vector control activities study were 48 head of RTs. The data were collected through interviews using a questionnaire. Observation was conducted to examine larval index of water containers in the household neighborhood. Univariate and bivariate analyses were conducted to data collected. The study showed factors associated with larval index, i.e. community dengue education, community action in vector control, facility to support vector control, and continously larval monitoring. Factors not associated with larval index were village community consensus, cadre for larval monitoring, availability of funds, provision of guidance from the health authority, and home visit. Conclusions: for control the larval index, i.e. develop the community dengue education, force the community action in vector control, develop the accesibility of vector control supporting facility , and make a good system to assure larval monitoring working continously.