Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Oct 2005)

Creencias de hombres de Cali, Colombia, sobre el examen digital rectal: hallazgos de un estudio exploratorio Beliefs of men from Cali, Colombia, about digital rectal examination: findings of an exploratory study

  • Diego Iván Lucumí-Cuesta,
  • Gustavo Alonso Cabrera-Arana

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 5
pp. 1491 – 1498


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Usando el Modelo de Creencias en Salud se exploraron creencias sobre el examen digital rectal como tamiz para cáncer en la próstata, antecedente e intención de práctica en hombres de 45 a 64 años de edad de Cali, Colombia. A los 267 participantes se les aplicó un cuestionario, previa selección mediante muestreo proporcional por cuotas. Después de un análisis univariado y bivariado se estableció que sólo un 25,8% de los participantes se había sometido previamente al examen digital rectal y 68,1% tenía intención de hacerlo en los siguientes 12 meses. Diferencias significativas (p This study used the Health Beliefs Model to explore beliefs on digital rectal examination (DRE) to screen for prostrate cancer, prior to intent to submit to the examination, in men 45 to 64 years of age in Cali, Colombia. The 267 participants answered a questionnaire by means of prior selection through proportional sampling by quotas. A univariate and bivariate analysis showed that only 25.8% of the participants had submitted previously to digital rectal examination and that 68.1% intended to do so in the following 12 months. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between a history of DRE and schooling, socioeconomic status, health system coverage, perception of susceptibility to the disease, and perception of barriers and benefits. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between intent to submit to DRE and health system coverage, perception of severity of the disease, and perception of barriers. Given the low level of history of DRE and intent to submit to the examination, the results could help improve strategies to increase this practice at the local level.
