Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jun 2015)

Mundo Radial e o cancioneiro folclórico nos tempos de Perón

  • Tânia da Costa Garcia



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The institutionalization of folk repertoire as the most genuine expression of popular Argentine song has resulted from articulation and negotiation between, basically, three sectors of that society, or, the government, the folklorist movement and artists connected to folklore - including, in the latter case, the interference of the market. These groups from their social place will negotiate the production, circulation and consumption of this repertoire in order to gain a wide and diverse audience. In this article, our intention is to map and analyze, electing as its object and main source, Mundo Radial magazine, how these three segments will operate together on traditionalization of the folk repertoire or, in other words, his acclaim as one of the representations of the Argentine national identity. The place occupied by the means of mass communication not only in Peronist politics, but also in formatting and in the spread of repertoire receives special attention in this article.
