Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research (Jan 2011)

Biological activities and medicinal properties of Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.

  • Dilipkumar Pal,
  • Pragya Mishra,
  • Neetu Sachan,
  • Ashoke K Ghosh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 4
pp. 207 – 214


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Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp. (Sanskrit: Adhaki, Hindi: Arhar, English: Pigeon pea, Bengali: Tur) (family: Fabaceae) is the most important grain legume crop of rain-fed agriculture in semi-arid tropics. It is both a food crop and a cover/forage crop with high levels of proteins and important amino acids like methionine, lysine and tryptophan. During the last few decades extensive studies have been carried out regarding the chemistry of C. cajan and considerable progress has been achieved regarding its biological activities and medicinal applications. This review article gives an overview on the biological activities of the compounds isolated, pharmacological actions and clinical studies of C. cajan extracts apart from its general details.
