Anadiss (Dec 2017)
Actes de langage et imaginaire linguistique. une ét ude de l’acte définitoire dans le discours « zouglou » en Côte d’Ivoire
In 1990, when the Ivorian society was leading trade unions, political and social struggle, a new musical genre arrived from the university campuses: Zouglou. Students denounce their deleterious living conditions against a backdrop of caustic or even violent discourse. This genre quickly left university campuses to establish itself as a characteristic type of Ivorian musical identity and a practice of speech. The observation of zouglou discourse - discourse as a unit of meaning anchored in a field of social practices that defines it - reveals a recurrent recourse to definition. This linguistic phenomenon thus contributes to the construction of meaning in verbal interaction. It is known that defining acts in discourse reveal as anchors of discursive identity. Beyond this consideration, our contribution, standing at the interface of pragmatics and sociolinguistics, would like to pose the hypothesis of defining acts as revealing of the linguistic imagination of the speakers. Definition activity, in fact, contributes to the dynamics of the French language in Côte d'Ivoire. Speech acts, imbued with the culture of the speakers, contribute to the diversity of French speakers.