Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk (Jan 2018)
Geologic structure, mechanism, and conditions for rock topples on cataclinal slope, Jinchuan, China
Two rock topples with the opposite dip direction, observed in the Ribangliangzi hill and facing the China Provincial Highway S211, are located on the upper stream of the planned dam of Jinchuan Hydropower Station in China. The new site for submerged part of Highway due to reservoir impoundment is designed to be a tunnel crossing the Ribangliangzi hill. However, at this hill, the stratum facing the Dadu River dips southwestward, whereas the stratum facing the Xinzha Gully dips northeastward. Therefore, it’s regarded as an important slope structure that may lead to an occurrence of landslide directly threatening the future tunnel excavation stability and slope stability along the highway. This paper reports for the geologic structures of the overturned strata, formative processes and mechanism for toppling on cataclinal slopes. It was concluded that the toppling on cataclinal slopes was caused by a combination of toppling and sliding. Furthermore, to analyse the conditions for toppling on cataclinal slope, the cantilever beam model was established and analyzed the minimum strata dip angle required for toppling more prone to occur on cataclinal slope and the critical length of rock stratum. The results reveal that the toppling will be more prone to occur on cataclinal slope while the strata dip angle is greater than 60°even if under a very small external force or without the assistance of external forces.