Laboratorio dell'ISPF (Dec 2017)
Ai limiti dell’ortodossia cristiana. “Principio di semplicità” e ordine naturale e storico in Malebranche e Vico
At the limits of the Christian Orthodoxy. The “Principle of Simplicity” and the Natural and Historical Order in Malebranche and Vico. The essay provides an analysis of aspects of the thought of Malebranche and Vico, attesting the presence therein of a crucial line of modern theological and philosophical speculation, sustained by a “principle of simplicity” that might be considered a fundamental feature for an interpretation of the “modern world”. The idea that a God of wisdom brings about His design of order through the “simple means” of secondary causes is preeminent in Malebranche’s meditation; but, thanks also to the influence of this philosopher, it also plays a decisive role in Vico’s elaboration of his original concept of providence. This problematic constellation allows us to make an in-depth analytical study of certain aspects of both authors, who are by no means free from the dangers of heterodoxy, and by so doing to participate in the current historiographical debate on categories such as “radical Enlightenment”, “Catholic Enlightenment”, etc.