Jurnal Elkomika (Jan 2023)

Design of Deliberative and Reactive Hybrid Control System for Autonomous Stuff-Delivery Robot Rover


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Vol. 11, no. 1


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ABSTRAK Saat ini, robot otonom memiliki peranan signifikan di berbagai bidang. Robot otonom meningkatkan efektivitas dan produktivitas sekaligus menurunkan risiko dan tingkat kesalahan secara signifikan. Dua paradigma dapat digunakan saat merancang robot otonom, yaitu paradigma reaktif dan deliberatif. Paper ini merancang sistem kontrol hybrid untuk menggabungkan elemen terbaik dari sistem kontrol deliberatif dan reaktif untuk robot pengiriman otonom. Model tersebut dibuktikan dengan misi untuk memindahkan tiga objek berwarna, dari posisinya ke tujuan. Dari perancangan dan pengujian, sistem hybrid dapat meminimalisir kelemahan dari masing-masing sistem, sehingga proses pengiriman barang dapat tercapai sesuai dengan rencana dan dapat bereaksi terhadap kondisi yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui dalam perencanaan, seperti hambatan. Penggunaan sistem hybrid membuka kemungkinan untuk merancang sebuah mobile robot otonom yang dapat beroperasi di lingkungan apapun. Kata kunci: deliberative, reactive, hybrid, autonomous, robot rover ABSTRACT Recently, autonomous robots have become increasingly significant in numerous fields. Robots with autonomy increase effectiveness and productivity while significantly lowering risk and error rates. Two paradigms can be used when creating an autonomous robot, namely reactive and deliberative paradigm. This paper proposes a hybrid control system to combine the best elements of deliberative and reactive control system for an autonomous delivery robot rover. The model was proved with a mission to move the three colored objects, from their respective positions to the goal cells. From the design and testing the hybrid systems can minimize the weaknesses of each system, so that the stuff-delivery process can be achieved in accordance with the plan and can react to conditions that were not previously known in planning, such as the obstacle. The use of a hybrid system opens up the possibility of designing an autonomous mobile robot that can operate in any environment. Keywords: deliberative, reactive, hybrid, autonomous, robot rover
