Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry (Jun 2010)

Monopolar diathermy used for correction of ankyloglossia

  • Tuli A,
  • Singh A

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 28, no. 2
pp. 130 – 133


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Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia or ankyloglossia inferior, is a relatively common finding in pediatric surgical outpatient clinics. It occurs as a result of a short, tight, lingual frenum causing tethering of the tongue tip. It is a common oral finding in infants and children, which is often neglected. Although most cases resolve or are asymptomatic, some patients develop articulation problems and other concerns related to poor tongue-tip mobility. In this article, we report on a 5-year old girl with a tongue tie, who underwent frenectomy using monopolar diathermy under local anesthesia without any postoperative complication.
