Zdorovʹe Rebenka (Apr 2019)
The principle of FPh for the correction of disynchrony of the intestinal motor-evacuation function in children
Background. In recent years, among pediatric gastroenterological pathologies, the prevalence of congenital malformations of the colon causing the development of organic and functional diseases of the entire digestive system has increased. The purpose was to identify onset mechanisms of the bowel evacuation function disorders, to establish their basic links and develop an adequate medical and preventive treatment program aimed at their elimination, which in turn will allow preventing the development of pathologic complications and decompensation in children with dolichocolon. Materials and methods. We have studied circadian dysregulation of the bowel evacuation function in 252 children aged 4 to 15 years using chronoenterography. Results. Children with a decompensated chronic constipation associated with congenital lengthening of the sigmoid colon have demonstrated a slowdown of the bowel evacuation function in the form of III–IV bradyenteria with pessimal acrophase and a tendency to develop enteria. Regular circadian rhythm of the bowel evacuation function is an attribute of the digestive system functioning. To treat disynchrony, we propose the FP (Four P) principle aimed to prevent the onset and progression of chronic constipation in children with dolichocolon. Conclusions. Consequently, the severity of bradyenteria and definitive actophase are diagnostically valuable clinical symptoms in patients with dolichocolon. The use of the chronometric approach to the correction of the bowel motor-evacuation function disorders in children with chronic constipation associated with congenital lengthening of the sigmoid colon allows achieving positive clinical dynamics and can be used as a component of the medical and preventive treatment program in congenital lengthening of the sigmoid colon.