Обозрение психиатрии и медицинской психологии имени В.М. Бехтерева (Oct 2019)
The life and work of professor Livery Osipovich Darkshevich (1858–1925). (to the 160th anniversary since the birth of)
The main milestones of the life and work of L.O. Darkshevich. It is noted that the work of a professor on the study of the pathology of muscles and peripheral nerves is of great interest. As early as 1903, in a German manual on pathological anatomy of the nervous system, Liverius Osipovich wrote a chapter on the pathological anatomy of muscles. We emphasize that later they wrote several articles on cerebral and arthropathic amiotrophies. Studying the question of the so-called retrograde degeneration of nerves, he pointed to the development of degenerative changes not only in the peripheral, but also in the central segment of the nerve, which is of great interest for clarifying the spread of the process. The article notes that Liveriy Osipovich Darkshevich considered the creation of a manual on nervous diseases as the greatest debt of his life, which was the testament of his late teacher — Professor A.Ya. Kozhevnikov, who had not managed to do this. Well aware of the conditioned reflex principles of the central nervous system, Liverii Osipovich attached special importance to the cerebral cortex as a body of mental activity. He pointed out that normal mental activity is formed under the influence of incessantly arriving stimuli of the external world, which, having reached the cerebral cortex and entering our consciousness, give rise to representations, the appearance of which in turn gives rise to the manifestation of active cortical activity-the emergence of volitional impulses. Liverii Osipovich was an ardent supporter of active disease therapy and was often an innovator in this field.