Tyragetia (Dec 2019)
Investigaţiile arheologice la situl Saharna Mare / „Dealul Mănăstirii”, raionul Rezina (2017-2019) / Archaeological investigations at the Saharna Mare / „Dealul Mănăstirii” site, Rezina district (2017-2019)
The archaeological research conducted in 2017-2019 was concentrated in the southwest part of the site, where as a result of the geomagnetic measurements a positive anomaly was attested that denotes the presence of burned structures. Following the archaeological excavations (256 m2) in this part of the settlement, three layers of living were identified: Holercani-Hansca, Cozia-Saharna and Thracian-Getae. It was discovered a pit (7/2018) belonging to the Holercani-Hansca horizon whose filling contained ceramics characteristic of this culture. For the Cozia-Saharna layer was found a structure (4/2017-2019), 12 pits, a burial, and various archaeological inventory represented by work tools, weapons and ceramics ornamented with incised and stamped ornaments. In the Thracian-Getae layer were uncovered three structures, 13 pits and a rich archaeological findings. Among the inventory items are tools and utensils made of different raw materials – iron, bronze, bone and horn, stone and burnt clay. From this layer come several weapons, in particular, tips of bronze arrows, as well as pieces of jewelry, represented by fibuale, bracelets, rings etc. Also, from the Thracian-Getae layer was recovered a significant amount of local ceramics and Greek imports.