Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()
Use of technologies in intravenous therapy: contributions to a safer practice
ABSTRACT Objectives: To identify what are the difficulties of the nursing staff in the management of technologies during intravenous therapy (IVT) and discuss the difficulties identified under the perspective of patient's safety. Method: Descriptive study of qualitative approach with data collected by semi-structured interview and analyzed by the Alceste software. Results: The greatest difficulty of cognitive and technical emphasis was the lack of training; and regarding administrative emphasis, the greatest difficulty was the lack of material and human resources. Infusion pumps and their proper use were highlighted as the technological resource that most contributed to patient safety. Final considerations: The lack of training is presented as the greatest difficulty of nursing professionals and permeates safety issues of both patient and professional when using the hard technologies in IVT. Training is essential to the development of techniques, considered nursing tools.