Acta Iuris Stetinensis (Jan 2015)
Proces inwestycyjno-budowlany w ujęciu administracyjnoprawnym
The investment and construction activity is generally governed by administrative provisions, as within the construction process administrative and legal procedures are of utmost importance. Provisions of multiple normative acts are applicable to issues related to construction investments. They include both issues, the subject of which is the investment-related field, and such which are applicable not only to investments in construction. The building law states the necessity of exertion of specific conduct within the construction process. This paper presents human limitations investment activities given in a set of legal acts regulating investment and construction activity which can be undertaken at certain stages of the construction process. Implementation of construction projects is possible only in the area of a specific purpose. According to this, first issue described related to the intended use of land for investment. Next, the issues related to consent to undertake works has been discussed, as well as the use of the works, the changes in the works and its demolition.