Etudes Epistémè (Dec 2016)

Ève et la nuit des sens : une explication poétique et rationnelle de la Chute dans Paradise Lost de John Milton

  • Laïla Ghermani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 30


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This paper explores the confusion of the senses brought about by Satan’s dream in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, books IV and V and the ambivalent status of this dream episode in the explanatory process of the epic. Following Dennis Danielson’s interpretation of the poem as a theodicy, I show that Eve’s « night of the senses » is one of the illustrations of the necessary fallibility of Eve’s faculties. The interest of the episode of the satanic dream devised by Milton lies in the fact that it is a purely fictional invention derived from many epic models such as Spenser’s Faerie Queen but that it also provides a logical cause for the Fall. Paradoxically, the description of the dream mixes precise physiological terms describing the interaction of the devil with Eve’s imagination with a more theological calvinian lexicon, which enables Milton to analyse Eve’s internal confusion as an incapacity to use her benumbed reason and to interpret her nocturnal illusions as a form of idolatry. The source of Eve’s weakness is thus identified as her difficulty to discriminate between the impressions and the real origin of the images produced by Satan’s enargeia.
