Sālmand (Jan 2008)
Survey on Satisfaction Level With Hearing Aid in the Daily Life of Elderly Hearing Impaired Population
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate satisfaction levels with hearing aids in daily life of older adult users, in addition to associated factors. Methods & Materials: In this cross sectional study, 32 subjects with moderate to severe sensory neural hearing loss (mean age; 63.5±9.8 Yrs) and different socio-economic status, referred to private practice audiology clinic (Alltone Shenava audiology clinic, Newsha hearing rehabilitation center, Golriz audiology clinic), were selected to answer Farsi version of SADL (Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life) questionnaire. This questionnaire quantifies satisfaction using a global score and four subscales. Based on history form, all subjects had moderate socio-economic status. Results: Mean score of Farsi Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life (SADL) and respective correspondence of categorical scale were: Overall score 4.24±0.57 (min. 2.24 and max. 5.12); Medium satisfied; Positive effects 4.33±0.83; Medium to considerably satisfied; Services and costs 3.60±0.84; Somewhat satisfied; and Personal image 5.00±1.25; considerably satisfied. Difference between satisfaction level and experience with current hearing aid, daily hearing aid use, degree of hearing loss and educational level was significant (P<0.05) but there was no significant difference between sex (P<0.0566). Conclusion: Results of hearing aid satisfaction in geriatric hearing impaired population were less than those of the previous studies. Upon analyzing factors associated with satisfaction with the use of hearing aids, it seems that factors such as use of modem technology, evaluation of communication and listening needs (before and after hearing aid prescription), detailed consultation about abilities and limitations of this devices as well as improvement in public and social services, enhance the satisfaction with hearing aid use.