Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Mar 2010)

Los Amigos de la Patria y de la Juventud (1815-1816) de Felipe Senillosa: el  periodismo ilustrado en el Río de la Plata

  • Elvira Narvaja de Arnoux



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Felipe Senillosa (1790-1858), a Spanish scholar, arrived in Buenos Aires late in 1815 and quickly fit in the country’s cultural and educational activities. A short time after moving to the city where he would settle permanently, he founded the journal Los amigos de la Patria y de la Juventud, composed of six issues published between November 1815 and May 1816. Beyond the major orientations, scopes and limits of the journal, we will consider certain aspects revealing the illustrated ideas of its director. We will analyze various texts, relating to generic subjects as war and the professionalizing of the army, the development of society benefiting the general welfare, individual and social morality and the instruction of women.
