Revista Diálogo Educacional (Jan 2010)
"Não estou preparado": a construção da docência na educação inclusiva
The educational inclusion of pupils with special needs on the regular schools systems is a conquest of the social movements in order to empower the marginalized groups. Some Brazilian and other international documents legislate about the necessary resources onto the construction of the inclusion, as so to the teacher's education, considering the coming specificities of the educational practice with a special clientele. In this context, we developed a research, on which we investigated the process of teacher's education, from those who work in regular classrooms, on the perspective of inclusion of the special pupils. We utilized a semi-structured interview with three teachers from the initial grades of the fundamental teaching level of one public school in the city of Viçosa, MG. The research showed us the following results: the concretization of intuitive teaching practices, founded on the daily experience; the lack of incentive to permanent search of formation, associated with the individualized docent practices; some resistance attitude towards the work with special students and the explanation to the lack of investment, from the part of the professional, based on the not-effectuation of public policies, addressed to the teacher's education in order to work with the inclusion perspective.