Influence of Recycling Processes on Properties of Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregates (FRCA): An Overview
Eduardo Kloeckner Sbardelotto,
Karyne Ferreira dos Santos,
Isabel Milagre Martins,
Berenice Martins Toralles,
Manuel Gomes Vieira,
Catarina Brazão Farinha
Eduardo Kloeckner Sbardelotto
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil (PGECiv), Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid, PR-445, km 380, Londrina 86057-970, PR, Brazil
Karyne Ferreira dos Santos
Sustainable Construction Materials Association (C5Lab), Edifício Central Park, Rua Central Park 6, 2795-242 Linda-a-Velha, Portugal
Isabel Milagre Martins
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Av. do Brasil, 101, 1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal
Berenice Martins Toralles
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil (PGECiv), Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid, PR-445, km 380, Londrina 86057-970, PR, Brazil
Manuel Gomes Vieira
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Av. do Brasil, 101, 1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal
Catarina Brazão Farinha
Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Av. do Brasil, 101, 1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal
Concrete waste recycling processes involve multiple stages, equipment, and procedures which produce Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregates (FRCA) for use in construction. This research aims at performing a comprehensive overview of the recycling technologies, recycling processes, and normative requirements to produce high-quality FRCA and to investigate the influence of these processes on their physical properties. The properties investigated were the particle size distribution (PSD), water absorption, oven-dry density, and adhered paste. The correlations between these properties were also investigated. The results indicate that the recycling processes with the highest potential for producing high-quality aggregates demand jaw crusher and impact crusher combinations. These processes are better suited for achieving FRCA with the desired particle size distribution and oven-dry density. However, water absorption and adhered paste, which are critical factors for obtaining high-quality FRCA, seem to be more dependent on the original material than on the recycling process.