BMC Public Health (Apr 2022)

Evaluating the association between socioeconomic position and cardiometabolic risk markers in young adulthood by different life course models

  • Mia Klinkvort Kempel,
  • Trine Nøhr Winding,
  • Morten Böttcher,
  • Johan Hviid Andersen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 1
pp. 1 – 11


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Abstract Background Cardiometabolic health in adulthood is associated with socioeconomic position (SEP) in childhood. Although this has been studied by previous research several questions need to be addressed. E.g. knowledge about the association with timing, extent of the exposure as well as lifestyle and adult SEP, is essential to address the increasing social gradient in cardiometabolic diseases. Methods This study included a sub-sample (N = 264, 50% women, age 28–30) from an ongoing cohort study. We used a combination of national registers, longitudinal questionnaire data and clinical data. We examined the association between childhood SEP and cardiometabolic risk, measured by a score of multiple risk markers in young adulthood. SEP-indicators included mother’s educational level and household income. The association was evaluated by four different life course models; the latent effects model, the pathway model, the cumulative model and the social mobility model. Results We found an inverse association between mother’s educational level and cardiometabolic risk. The association was statistically significant evaluated by the pathway and cumulative life course models, however statistically insignificant evaluated by the latent effects model. No specific association with social mobility was observed. However, high adult educational level seems to have a protecting impact on the association. No association was found between household income and cardiometabolic risk in any of the applied life course models. Conclusion Low childhood SEP, represented by mother’s educational level but not household income, is associated with increased cardiometabolic risk in young adulthood. The accumulation of exposure, lifestyle and adult educational attainment are important for the association. In contrast, intergenerational social mobility does not seem to have a specific impact on the association and we find no evidence for a particular timing in childhood.
