Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen (Nov 2018)
Pengaruh Interaksi Remaja dengan Keluarga dan Teman serta Self-Esteem terhadap Perilaku Prososial Remaja Awal
Adolescent tend to do the anti-social behavior, so it needs prevention step by developing prosocial behavior. This study aimed to analyze the effect of characteristic, family interaction, friend interaction and self-esteem on prosocial behavior among early adolescents. This research was a cross-sectional study. The location of the research was conducted in Junior High School X in Bogor District which was chosen purposively. The examples of this study were 200 adolescents with same sex siblings (100 girls and 100 boys) which was chosen by cluster random sampling technique. The results showed that there was no significant difference in interaction with the father between girls and boys. Closeness dimension of girl’s interaction with mother and girl’s interaction with a friend were higher than boy’s. Closeness and discord dimensions of girl’s interactions with same-sex siblings were higher than boy’s. Self-esteem didn’t have a significant difference between girls and boys, but girls were more prosocial than boys. Closeness dimension of interaction with mother, interaction with the sibling, and interaction with a friend also self-esteem can improve prosocial behavior, but interaction with father didn’t significantly influence to prosocial behavior.