Pharos Journal of Theology (Oct 2022)
An Explanatory and Confirmatory Study about The spreading of Jesus’ message based on Matthew 28:18-20 by Christian Religious Education Teachers in Batam City
This study aims to answer three questions, namely: 1) What is the level of implementation of the sending of Jesus disciples based on Matthew 28:18-20 among Christian Religious Education Teachers in Batam City? 2) Which dimension is the most dominant in determining the implementation of the sending of Jesus' disciples based on Matthew 28:18-20 among Christian Religious Education Teachers in Batam City? 3) Which background is the most dominant in determining the implementation of the sending of Jesus' disciples based on Matthew 28:18-20 Among Christian Religious Education Teachers in Batam City?. The teacher is a person who is entrusted by God in carrying out education and teaching in accordance with the gifts that have been given to him or her. The teacher is one of the human components in the teaching and learning process, which plays a role in efforts to form potential human resources in the field of development. They should remain faithful in implementing the purpose of being sent as disciples to make all nations become disciples of Christ or His witnesses as they carry out their vocation as teachers of Christian Religious Education. They should be supported to study further and conduct suitable relevant research. The role of Christian Religious Education teacher is a distinct and core calling in the Church today.