Asatiza (Sep 2022)
Analisis Persepsi Siswa terhadap Penggunaan Aplikasi Quizizz pada Materi Hidrokarbon
Quizizz online learning application is one of the most widely used learning evaluation applications, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze students' perceptions of the use of Quizizz in chemistry subjects with Hydrocarbons Material. This study uses a quantitative method with a descriptive approach at Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Wathan Pasar Kembang. 36 students were selected by purposive sampling, the data were collected using a questionnaire technique, while the data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the data analysis showed that students (89%) had a very good perception of the use of Quizizz in chemistry subjects with Hydrocarbon Materials.