Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation (Oct 2012)
Oral Impact on Quality of Life Among Young Adults in Iași
The aim of the study is to assess the impact of oral health on quality of life of the adult population, 18-34 years in Iasi, Romania. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2011 and was selected a sample of 174 subjects with the age between 18-34 years old. The subjects were clinically examined according to WHO criteria and oral health related quality of life was assessed with the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 and Eurobarometer questionnaires. Results The most affected quality of life dimension was psychological discomfort, reported by 31% of the young adults. Some aspects, like functional limitation, difficulty to relax, and handicap are no affected. Other negative effects registered were associated with irritability (6.9%) and interrupted meals (5.7%). Using Eurobarometer questionnaire we found that 88% of the patients are unsatisfied with general and oral insurance system, and only 21.4% are confidence in a better future. Conclusions Clinical indicators like “prosthodontic and surgical treatment needs” provide a sensitive predictor for negative impact on psychological dimensions of the quality of life.