Risk Management and Healthcare Policy (Mar 2023)
Efforts to Improve the Safety Culture of the Elderly in Nursing Homes: A Qualitative Study
Retno Indarwati, Ferry Efendi, Rista Fauziningtyas, Anis Fauziah, Neisya Pratiwindya Sudarsiwi Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Campus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya, East Java, 60115, IndonesiaCorrespondence: Retno Indarwati, Email [email protected]: The attention to building a safety culture in nursing homes is relatively less when compared to hospitals. Good patient safety will improve the quality of health services and minimize incidents related to patient safety. This study aims to look at efforts that can be made to improve safety culture in nursing homes.Materials and Methods: The research design uses phenomenological qualitative with in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling was used with interpretive phenomenological analysis. Participants were 29 staff from four government and private institutions in East Java, Indonesia.Results: The sub-themes resulting from the research efforts to improve the safety culture of the elderly in nursing homes are the provision of new staff orientation, training, improvement of infrastructure, and procurement of security staff.Conclusion: The analysis shows that efforts to improve safety culture can be carried out with various strategies by paying attention to risk assessment steps, patient risk identification, and management, incident reporting, and analysis, the ability to learn from incidents and their follow-up, as well as implementing solutions to minimize risks and prevent them from occurring injury. Safety culture plays an essential role in improving the quality of care.Keywords: effort, elderly, nursing homes, safety culture, quality of care