Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Jan 2015)
She Pushed Me, and I Flew: A Duoethnographical Story From Supervisors in Flight
Sometimes the different versions of a story should not be reduced to a single "truth," although it is often the role of researchers to do just that. Duoethnography is a methodology that allows multiple views of the same event(s) to be examined, each from within its own context, without the expectation of a final resolution. In this article we use a duoethnographical approach to explore the supervisor-doctoral student dynamic that occurred during the production of a creative thesis from within a science-focused faculty. We experiment with the idea that duoethnography can assist us to negotiate the power relations of pedagogy in telling the story of our relationship, without the need to privilege one voice over another. The article has a dual focus: to inform supervision practices, and to show how we went about the process of "doing" duoethnography. It is (re)presented as a series of conversations, (re)constituted from many messy interactions that took place over a period of three months in 2012. URN: