Journal of Agricultural Extension (Dec 2007)
Rural Households Food Availability and Affordability In Osun State, Nigeria
The levelofpovertyandfoodinsecurityin developing countries especiallyin Nigeria is high. The study investigated rural dwellers' seasonalhousehold food availability and affordability. Multi-stagerandomsamplingprocedure wasusedin the selection of388 respondents. Both qualitative andquantitative measures were usedin data gathering. Data collected were analysed using frequency, percentages and chi-square. Sixty eight percent of the respondents are male, 82.0percent are married, 80.9percent are frommale headedhouseholds, 18.3percenthadno formal education while significant percentage of the rural dwellers are Muslims. Findings from the study revealed that food that contain carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins andplantproteins are moderately available for rural dwellers in both seasons. A highpercentage ofrural dwellers in the study areas could only afford fooditems that contain carbohydrates (78.6%) minerals and vitamins (53.4%) on a moderate levelin both seasons, while about 69.8percent could not afford animalproteinous foods in both seasons. The study concluded that home economics extension workersandnutrition educators are yet to organize fruitful developmental nutrition oriented programmes in the areas used for the study. Developmentefforts should therefore focusonimproving the ruraldwellershousehold foodandnutrition security through the introduction underutilized crops andrearing ofsmallruminants withinruraldwellers.