Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Jan 2005)

Dificuldades em estocástica de uma futura professora do 1º e 2º ciclos do Ensino Básico

  • José António Fernandes,
  • Paula Maria Barros

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 117 – 150


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This study researched the impact of the teaching of Statistics unit to 6th graders on the difficulties of a student-teacher (Joana) in stochastic. Before any experience of teaching, Joana answered a questionnaire about the theme, in order to allow the identification of their conceptual difficulties; afterwards, she taught the Statistics unit; finally, she was interviewed about the issues in which she had shown difficulties when answering the questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that the teaching of the Statistics unit had a moderate success in overcoming the student-teacher’s difficulties, as many changes on her answers and/or reasoning were not a result of her own initiative, but were a consequence of the questioning of the researcher. In addition, the difficulties to relate the localization measures and their meanings, as well as the comparison of probabilities were not at all overcome. It was verified yet that, besides being very limited, Joana’s knowledge in stochastic was greatly algorithmic and routinised and seems to have a reduced level of integration.