Fontes Linguae Vasconum (Dec 2015)

Ol(h)a entitate geografikoaz zenbait ohar

  • Luis Mari Zaldua

Journal volume & issue
no. 120
pp. 385 – 405


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Hona dakargun saioaren helburua ol(h)a entitate geografikoaren eremu, esanahi eta etorkiaz hausnartzea da, onomastikaren argitan hausnartu ere, euskararen historiaren ikerketan diziplina horrek ekarpena egin dezakeelakoan baikaude. Horren lekuko, Lakarra Andrinuaren gask. hoelhà (*hola) > eusk. ol(h)a hipotesiari buruzko zenbait ohar biltzen ditugu. Orobat, abeltzaintzako eraikinok itxuratzen dituzten ezaugarriak, edota saroiekin duten hartu-emana, onomastikaren eskutik zenbateraino zehazta daitezkeen ikusi nahi dugu. The aim of this work is to reflect on the scope, meaning and origin of the geographical entity ol(h)a in the light of onomastics, since we consider that this discipline can contribute to the study of history of Basque. As evidence, we include some remarks to Lakarra Andrinua’s hypothesis Gasc. hoelhà (*hola) > Basque. ol(h)a. We also intend to determine the characteristics that make up these pastoral structures, as well as their relationship with meadows, by means of onomastics.
