Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies (Apr 2018)
The metaphysical foundation of morality in the Twelver's Shiite الأسس الميتافيزيقية للأخلاق لدى الشيعة الامامية
The research revolves around the moral values in the Twelver's Shiite Islamic thought , which we can touch a tendency to rational thinking imprinted in this thought in general , and for the subject of ethics in particular, when acknowledge that deeds have their self-values, despite of the Islamic view, and that the mind can grasp them, and can judge on the deed whether its good , which it will be praised , or bad, which it will be condemn. Since the research focuses on the metaphysical foundations of ethics for a religious thought, we must go back to the origins of belief which it is based on, and they are five: monotheism, justice, prophethood, imamate, resurrection day, and the disclosure of their contents and ethical implications.