Annals of the University of Craiova: Economic Sciences Series (Dec 2018)
A brand image is a set of associations, usually organized in a significant way. An association and an image are both perceptions that reflect or not an objective reality. The fundamental value of a brand name is often its set of associations - more precisely their meaning for the people. Associations are the basis for purchasing decisions and loyalty to the brand. There is a wide range of possible associations and a variety of ways in which they can provide value. A brand refers to how a product, service or company is seen in the minds of consumers. Every brand is seen in a certain way by consumers. Note that such a perception can be both negative and positive. Brands can include a product, service or company, but also a state, a person, an event or even a building. In some cases, no logo or slogan is needed, identity is something else. Associations are not just present, they also have some power. A link with a brand will be stronger if it relies on many experiences or exposures to communication, unlike a smaller number of experiences. It will also be stronger when supported by a network of other links. The present paper aims to present some theoretical aspects regarding the brand associations specific to the sports clubs and the way they lead to the increase of the notoriety, with practical examples from the activity of the organization.