Biomath (Dec 2017)
On cyclic DNA codes over the rings Z4 + wZ4 and Z4 + wZ4 + vZ4 + wvZ4
The structures of cyclic DNA codes of odd length over the finite rings R = Z4 + wZ4, w^2 = 2 and S = Z4 + wZ4 + vZ4 + wvZ4; w^2 = 2; v^2 =v; wv = vw are studied. The links between the elements of the rings R, S and 16 and 256 codons are established, respectively. The cyclic codes of odd length over the finite ring R satisfy reverse complement constraint and the cyclic codes of odd length over the finite ring S satisfy reverse constraint and reverse complement constraint are studied. The binary images of the cyclic DNA codes over the finite rings R and S are determined. Moreover, a family of DNA skew cyclic codes over R is constructed, its property of being reverse complement is studied.