مجلة جامعة كركوك للعلوم الزراعية (Mar 2024)
Study of combining ability and heterosis for yield and its components in seven pea genotypes (Pisum sativum L.) and progeny by using Line X Tester analysis
The present investigation was conducted to study the combining ability and heterosis of F1’s crosses and their parents for yield and its components in seven pea genotypes Via Line X Tester analysis during two growing seasons. Three varieties of pea as lines (Javor, NS minima, Oregon sugar pod) and four varieties as testers (Giant sugar pod, Green sage, Lancet, and Provence) have been crossed to produce 12 F1 crosses, during the first growing season at Qliasan Research Station. Emasculation and crossing were done by hand and sufficient seeds for crosses were produced. During the growing season of 2015-2016, the F1 seeds with their parents were implemented in the field experiment using RCBD with three replicates in Girdjan Research Station, to determine parental combinations through studying the general and specific combining abilities and their variances to improve pea crosses. The results showed that line parent 3 recorded a maximum pod length, and pod yield plant-1, while tester parent 4 produced the maximum values for seed weight pod-1, 100 seeds weight, number of pods plant-1, and seeds yield plant-1. The results indicated that the cross 2×5 produced the maximum values for a number of pods plant-1, pod yield plant-1, and seeds yield plant-1. Parent line 3 showed a maximum negative GCA effect value of -8.92, while tester 7 exhibited a maximum positive GCA effect value of 7.447. Hybrid 2 × 7 had the highest positive heterosis values for two traits number of pods plant-1, and seed yield plant-1.