Advanced Engineering Research (Mar 2016)
Human factor in a safety problem of high-duty welded objects
The work goal is to study the human factor role in a safety problem of the ultrasonic testing of high-duty welded objects. The key objective and subjective factors determining the human reliability of the man-machine systems are analyzed. It is shown that subjective factors are divided into three main subgroups: the level of training, individual characteristics and functional state of the human-operator. On the basis of the job specification approach, the most important skills of the ultrasonic testing (UST) operators are determined, and the original training facilities for their purposeful development are worked out. Some modifications of the computerized simulator-examiner for training and the integrated proficiency assessment of the UST operators of the joint welds are developed. Based on the conducted analysis of the individual peculiarities of the personality, it is found that the medicobiologic structure of a person plays a crucial role and determines some basic professionally important qualities for the UST operator occupation. The influence of the functional state of the ultrasonic testing operators on the results of the professional activities is investigated by experiment.