Revista Fuentes El Reventón Energético (Jun 2016)
Modelo fenomenológico para escalar a yacimiento el impacto sobre producción de hidrocarburos del daño de formación por migración de finos
The objective of the article consists in proposing and solving a model of the phenomenological bases that allows characterize, quantify and predict the formation damage due fines migration and swelling clays at reservoir level from the linear mathematical methodological scheme Civan. The process of understanding the phenomenon of particles on a porous medium has been for the most cases approach from the laboratory perspective, measuring the critical rates of the formation plugs and based on this itâ¿¿s had been generated a mathematical model for the methodology for transcending and scale to the reservoir scale the results of the formation damage by the flow of fines observed in the laboratory. The generated methodology is base in performing multi-rate coreflooding tests, solve and characterize the damage by particles flow in the plug in function of velocity in the linear model of Civan, construct and determine the model for estimate the profiles of damages in function of the radius, validate the scheme with field data for estimate the impact of damage and the critical radius of the producing well. At the present time more than 50% of the oil fields operate by Ecopetrol display formation damage by particle process, the quantity of the petroleum that it stop producing by this phenomenon is estimated in the thousands of barrels, with this kind of approximation itâ¿¿s can be design and optimize the treatment require for mitigate the damage and recover a significate percentage of the barrels left out of production. In this project itâ¿¿s show the entire process using data from the formation Barco of Cupiagua field, the scaling results indicate drops of permeability of 65% by this type of damage, damage radius between 1.9 and 4.4 ft and skin value by fines between 1.9 and 3.4. This process allows to generate the designs of the stimulating treatment for this field.