RUDN Journal of Engineering Research (Dec 2018)
Optical and chromatographic methods for efficiency analysis of non-stationary production
The problem of cost-effective oil production from carbonate reservoirs becomes more and more important every year due to a decrease in oil reserves in terrigenous reservoirs. Oil extraction from carbonate reservoirs is always associated with the low filtration properties of the rock matrix and the dense fracture network presence. One of the most effective methods at this development stage for carbonate reservoirs is the non-stationary drainage technology. The development of non-stationary deposit drainage technology by determining the effective action time with different work periods and well accumulation, due to deformations in the fracture system, will allow reducing wells watering percentage. As a result of fluid flows redistribution in the formation, unprocessed areas are attracted by capillary impregnation. An important stage in the application of non-stationary action is the study of oil optical properties. To assess the quality of the reserves involved in the development, laboratory studies of the deposit non-stationary production efficiency of the Romashkinskoye oil field were carried out. The investigations were carried out using a spectrophotometer and a chromatograph. The influence of non-stationary selection on the wells operation dynamics and on the final ORC was determined.