Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (Apr 2006)
Effect and Analysis of Sustainable Cell Rate using MPEG video Traffic in ATM Networks
The broadband networks inhibit the capability to carry multiple types of traffic – voice, video and data, but these services need to be controlled according to the traffic contract negotiated at the time of the connection to maintain desired Quality of service. Such control techniques use traffic descriptors to evaluate its performance and effectiveness. In case of Variable Bit Rate (VBR) services, Peak Cell Rate (PCR) and its Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (CDVTPCR) are mandatory descriptors. In addition to these, ATM Forum proposed Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR) and its Cell delay variation tolerance (CDVTSCR). In this paper, we evaluated the impact of specific SCR and CDVTSCR values on the Usage Parameter Control (UPC) performance in case of measured MPEG traffic for improving the efficiency