Reproductive Health (Aug 2021)
Contraception needs and pregnancy termination in sub-Saharan Africa: a multilevel analysis of demographic and health survey data
Plain language summary Women in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have a higher risk of unintended pregnancies that are more likely to be terminated, most of which are unsafe with associated complications. Unmet need for contraception is highest in SSA and exceeds the global average. This study investigates the association between unmet/met need for contraception and pregnancy termination SSA. We used pooled data from Demographic and Health Surveys conducted from January 2010 to December 2018 in 32 countries in SSA. Our study involved 265,505 women with diverse contraception needs and with complete data on all variables of interest. We found an overall pregnancy termination rate of 16.27% ranging from 9.13% in Namibia to 38.68% in Gabon. Met need of contraception, education, sex of household head, and socio-economic disadvantage of women had a significant association with pregnancy termination. Our study contributes towards the discussion on unmet/met need for contraception and pregnancy termination across SSA. Governments of SSA and non-governmental organisations need to take pragmatic steps to increase met needs for contraception and also utilise mass media to encourage women to adhere to the prescription of contraceptives in order to reduce the incidence of unplanned pregnancies and unsafe abortions.