Management Science Letters (May 2019)
Variable indicators affecting the country’s brand strategy effectiveness and competitiveness in the world
At present, the global community uses a variety of indicators to assess the national brand and determine the country’s position relative to others’: Brand Finance’s Country Brand Index, Future-Brand’s Country Brand Index, Anholt’s Nation Brands Index, Bloom Consulting’s Country Brand Ranking, Global Competitiveness Index and so on. It is, however, appropriate to use the spatial set of brand and global competitiveness indexes combined with strategic analysis and planning models to develop country brand management models. This approach is based on the objective assessment and building of the integral Country Brand Index (CBI), distinguishing the main components affect-ing global competitiveness - macroeconomic, social, corporate and innovation components, as well as the analysis of the contribution of factors. This makes it possible to determine the position of countries in the world on the basis of comparison of the CBIs with the Global competitiveness Index, as well as quantitatively characterize the contributions of key factors forming the CBI in order to formulate appropriate strategies depending on the position of the country in the world. According to the author, the application of the proposed method will strengthen the soundness of determining the factors influencing on the county brand, enrich the theoretical and methodological principles of analysis of the country brand in the context of global competitiveness, expand the information base and increase the effectiveness of state policy in the field of forming a national branding strategy.