Salud Pública de México (Mar 1999)
Uso del condón en hombres con parejas no estables en la Ciudad de México Condom use among men with non-stable partners in Mexico City
Objetivo. Analizar la asociación de variables sociodemográficas en la utilización del condón durante prácticas sexuales vaginales con parejas no estables. Material y métodos. Los datos provienen de una encuesta probabilística sobre comportamiento sexual aplicada en 1992-1993 a una muestra de hogares en la Ciudad de México y su área conurbada. De 8 068 hombres de 15 a 60 años de edad que proporcionaron información, se seleccionaron 1 535 cuya última relación sexual -con penetración vaginal- había sido con una pareja no estable. Primero se realizó un análisis por componentes principales, para agrupar aquellas variables con dimensiones subyacentes comunes y, a partir de ellos y de algunas variables individuales, se efectuó una regresión logística. Resultados. Las variables que midieron conocimientos sobre el SIDA y sus mecanismos de transmisión y prevención, no tuvieron una relación estadísticamente significativa (pObjective. To analyze the association between sociodemographic variables and condom use during vaginal sexual relationships with non-stable partners. Material and methods. Data were taken from a household probability survey on sexual behavior in 1992-1993 in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area. Of the completed survey were obtained 8 068 men of 15 to 60 years of age. 1 535 were selected because they reported that their last sexual relationship with vaginal intercourse had been with a non-stable partner. Principal component analyses were conducted to groups of variables with common underlying structures, these components and other variables were included in a logistic regressions. Condom use during last intercourse was the dependent variable. Results. Feeling that sex with condoms or sex without penetration could be pleasurable, a high ranking in a scale on self-efficacy for condom use, compulsion for using a condom because of being afraid of contracting HIV/AIDS were positively associated with using a condom in the last sexual intercourse. Marital status, schooling, and the number of episodes of sexually transmitted diseases were significantly associated with condom use. Perception of inevitability of becoming infected due to lack of trust in condoms was negatively associated with its use. None of the variables regarding knowledge on HIV/AIDS, including means of transmission and ways to prevent its infection, showed any significant association with condom use. Conclusions. Even when information is considered important in educational strategies, it might be more important to promote a positive perception on condoms and safe sex as pleasurable (at the individual and social level), as well as the promotion of self-efficacy on being able to use a condom or enforce preventive behaviors against HIV infection.