Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte (Apr 2007)

Efecto sobre la mejora y retención de la fuerza de un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza con cargas concentradas en sujetos no entrenados. Effect on the strength improvement and retention during a training program with concentrated loads in non trained subjects.

  • Navarro Valdivielso, Fernando,
  • González Ravé, Jose Mª,
  • Díaz Ureña, Germán,
  • Aceña Rubio, Rosa Mª,
  • Juárez Santos García, Daniel

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 7
pp. 24 – 33


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ResumenEn este estudio se ha analizado la mejora y retención de la fuerza en 34 sujetos no entrenados, distribuidos de forma aleatoria en un grupo experimental (GE) (n=17) que efectuó un programa de entrenamiento para la mejora de la misma de 9 semanas de duración, realizando 4 sesiones consecutivas de entrenamiento semanal, y un grupo control (GC) (n=17) que no llevó a cabo ningún entrenamiento. Se tomaron mediciones del peso máximo elevado en 1RM, la fuerza máxima, y la fuerza media total, con el sistema de medición de fuerzas dinámicas Isocontrol 3.6, en el ejercicio de squat (SQ), antes (PRE-), en la mitad (MED-) y al final del tratamiento (POST 1), así como tras 1 (POST 2) y 2 meses (POST 3) de la finalización mismo. En el GE, las ganancias de fuerza fueron altamente significativas (pAbstractIn this study has analyzed the improvement and retention of strength in 34 nontrained subjects, randomized in an experimental group(GE) (n=17) who realized a strength training program during 9 weeks, making 4 consecutive sessions of weekly training, and a control group (GC) (n=17) who did not realized any training. The 1 repetition maximum (1RM), maximum strength, total mean strength, were measured with ISOCONTROL 3.6. device in squat (SQ). The measured were done before (PRE-), in the middle (MED-), at the end of the treatment (POST 1), as well as after 1 and 2 months of the conclusion of the same one. In the experimental group, the strength gains were highly significant as much in the middle (19%), as at the end of the training program (35%), and even after 2 months of the conclusion of the same one (40%). In the GC significant changes did not take place. In conclusion, after 9 weeks of strength training, can be obtained improvements of same highly significant using concentrated loads in nontrained subjects, and they are possible to be continued reaching greater gains during at least other 8 weeks after more finalized the training.
