Oncology Reviews (Apr 2020)

RETRACTION: The biological mechanism involved in anticancer properties of amniotic membrane

  • Camillo Porta

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Vol. 14, no. 1


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To our readers: With deep regrets, we inform our Readers that the article The biological mechanism involved in anticancer properties of amniotic membrane (DOI: https://doi.org/10.4081/oncol.2020.429), which has been published in the current issue of Oncology Reviews (2020-1), contains verbatim text plagiarized from another paper.1 The manuscript must be considered as retracted. On behalf of the Editorial Board of Oncology Reviews, I apologize to the Author of the manuscript whose text was plagiarized by Ameneh Jafari, Hassan Niknejad, Mostafa Rezaei-Tavirani, Caitlin D’Amico, Hakimeh Zali that this was not picked up in the peer review process. I also apologize to the affected journal for the violation of copyright due to plagiarism. Unfortunately we were not able to detect it before publication due to the language of the original paper (Slovenian). Oncology Reviews is uncompromising in its commitment to scientific integrity. When credible evidence of misconduct is brought to our attention, our commitment to the scientific record and to our readership requires immediate notification. Oncology Reviews is increasingly employing sophisticated software to detect plagiarism. Other journals use similar tools. Authors should be aware that most journals routinely employ plagiarism detection software, and that any plagiarism is likely to be detected. Camillo Porta, Editor-in-Chief Oncology Reviews Reference 1. Ramuta TZ, Cirman T, Erdani Kreft M. Celično-biološki mehanizmi delovanja amnijske membrane proti raku in možnosti za njeno uporabo pri zdravljenju raka [Cell-biological mechanisms of amniotic membrane anticancer activity and the possibilities of its use in anticancer therapy]. Slovenian Medical Journal (Zdravniški vestnik) 2018;87(9-10):483-92. (DOI: 10.6016/ZdravVestn.2674).