National Journal of Clinical Anatomy (Jan 2016)
Study on correlation of foot length with stature
Background and aims : Stature is the height of a person in the upright posture. There are lot of variations in estimating stature from limb measurements among people of different region and race. Hence there is a need to carryout more studies on population of different regions so that method of stature estimation becomes more reliable. The aim of study was to find out the correlation between foot length and height of an individual and to derive regression formulae to estimate the height from the foot length in the study population. Materials and methods : This study was conducted among 308 healthy students aged between 18-20 years. Foot length and height was measured. The measurements were made by using standard anthropometric instruments to the nearest millimeter. The data obtained was analysed statistically and attempt was made to find out correlation and to derive a regression formula between foot length and height of an individual. Results: The values of all the parameters in case of male were higher than females. The sex differences in these parameters showed statistical significance. A strong positive correlation between height and foot length of individuals was found. Conclusion: Foot length is a useful parameter in stature estimation. Our findings suggest that the relationship between stature and foot length is of practical use for anatomical, medico legal, anthropological, archaeological and other related studies.