Avances en Enfermería (Dec 1998)
Enfermera: tus sentimientos también cuentan
<p>We had been trained to offer help based on a protocol management mainly. However, not too many times. We have considered feelings as integrative part of our daily duties. The kind of relationship we hare at he moment nith he patient, originated a mechanic care, where principles like human warm, is not very often taken into account. Allowing us to flow our own feelings in nursering duties regardless, the emotional or even physical risk we have to take as human beings, is just part of the decision we should make in order to create a space of life inside the profession. Living potentially is a demand we have to consider seriously. As Jhon Lennon said before: "life is something that happens, while we are always busy worried for vain things".</p> <p> </p><p>Estamos entrenadas para brindar cuidados basados en protocolos de manejo, donde usualmente no hay cabida para nuestros sentimientos. El tipo de relación que se establece da origen, entonces, a un cuidado mecánico, carente en ocasiones de calidez humana. Permitirnos el flujo de nuestros sentimientos en los quehaceres de enfermería, desde luego que entrañan riesgo para nuestra integridad emocional y nuestra salud en general; pero bien vale apostarle a vivir plenamente si como decía John Lennon: "La vida es algo que transcurre mientras nosotros la pasamos ocupados en otras cosas".</p>