حکمت صدرایی (Nov 2017)
The Possibility of Functionalistic Reading of Mulla Sadra’s Soul Theory Based on of Cotemporary Functionalism Theory
The mind-body problem is one of the central problems of philosophy. "Functionalism" has Neutral view on the nature of the material or nonmaterial mind and view the mind as the function. From the point of this group, mental states are functional properties that via inputs, outputs, internal processes and other mental states play functional roles. On the other hand, Islamic philosophy and theology have been paid to the relation between soul and body. From Avicenna, the soul is "nonmaterial substance" and most theologians, consider the soul as "material substance". But Mulla Sadra, deny the soul as mere nonmaterial (the theory of Avicenna) or mere material thing (The theory of theologians); but believes that the soul at first is material, so from the process of substantial movement, becomes nonmaterial. The main question is whether there can be a dialogue between Mulla Sadra and functionalism? Our answer is yes. Mulla Sadra such as the supporters of functionalism seek out exit from substance dualism (Descartes and Avicennan). As proponents of functionalism pay net to essence of mind, and know mind as functional role that realizes in material as well as nonmaterial beings, so Mulla Sadra doesn’t considers soul as mere material or mere nonmaterial thing. Soul, whether in material order or nonmaterial order, is actuality and with substantial movement become actuality and these actualities have relation with themselves and soul is set of them. The sum of these actualities called as perfection. Thus, functionalism, knows mind as "function", but Mull Sadra considers it as 'perfection'. However, there are differences between Mulla Sadra psychology and functionalism that had been reviewed in this paper.