Studie z Aplikované Lingvistiky (Dec 2016)
Společný evropský referenční rámec pro jazyky a český znakový jazyk / Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and Czech Sign Language
Sign linguistics have a relatively short history of approximately 20 years in the Czech Republic. Therefore, although we have some experience in Czech Sign Language (CzSL) teaching and learning, we have no research outputs or theoretical background in this area. At present, we do not possess any know-how in CzSL assessment. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) could prove to be a very useful tool for us in our situation. The Czech Republic has taken part in the international project named PRO-Sign (Sign Languages and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Descriptors and Approaches to Assessment) and has the opportunity to continue in this cooperation by participating in the follow-up project Pro-Sign 2. We intend to use the experience with and outcomes of these two projects in order to begin creating a CEFR for CzSL. It should be applicable mainly for CzSL as an L2 (for hearing students, parents, interpreters etc.), nevertheless it is conceivable that it could be applied to CzSL as an L1 (for Deaf children).